Complimentary Credit Consultation

We'd like to provide you with thousands of $'s worth of consulting services for free, because it'll make us feel good

We've seen it a few too many times: a company is going through an exciting transitional growth phase only to be stymied by a DnB profile they either weren't aware of, or were just unfamiliar with the process of managing it properly.

They're then met with the dilemma of having to spend upwards of $10,000.00 for a 'service' to update and bolster their scores. 

This doesn't sit well with us.  It just doesn't seem right.

The reality is, DnB has done a very good job of establishing their reporting data as a credit & underwriting standard.  Having a strong, accurate, and up to date profile can provide your company seamless access to valuable banking facilities, or net terms from vendors.  On the other hand, having a weak or incomplete profile can make the same process unnecessarily painful or even eliminate your chances of securing an approval entirely.  We'd like to help you avoid the latter scenario.

If you'd like a credit consult just submit a request here and we'll be in touch to coordinate a time to connect.


Q & A

Q:  What's my obligation?  What's the catch? 

A:  There is absolutely zero obligation.  The catch?  Well, we are serving a few self interests:

  1. It feels good to help growing businesses proactively overcome hurdles, and

  2. We're an equipment finance company who would love the opportunity to support your continued growth where our expertise and services are a fit.  But again, no pressure, and no obligation.